Opdateret d.25-08-2007 04:51:44 .2007
engelskUdstilling d. 19-08, 2007, Kristiansand, Norway
Udstilling d. 19 August, 2007, Kristiansand, Norge
Dommer: Diogo Ramahlo, Portugal
Juniorklasse Tæver. Ring 2. Kat. Nr. 0080
Litchi Chow Dina Shan
G. head, g. line in head, g. blue tounge,
g. coat exept from the colour,
would like clean black, g. movement.
2 PR.
Dommer: Diogo Ramahlo, Portugal
Åpen Klasse Tæver. Ring 2. Kat. Nr. 0082
Incipit Riana
G. head, blue tounge, well placed ears,
overall well struckture of body, g. bone and angulation,
corr. coat, corr. movement.
1 PR. 1 PL. CK. CERT. BTK 1, BIR